Hero photograph
Photo by Lisa Proudfoot

Message from the Acting Principal

Julie Bassett —

Nicky Horne 29 June 2023

He mihi maioha ki a koutou katoa - Warm greetings to all.

I would like to say a big thank you to our wonderful Support Staff and the work they do around our school. It is Support Staff week and our tamariki have been acknowledging all of their efforts whether it is helping them, our teachers or keeping our library and grounds in pristine condition.

It has been amazing to see all of the learning that has taken place this term, culminating in the whanau partnership celebrations which has been well supported by you all. Some of these celebrations have included playing maths games, kapahaka and a focus on sustainability. Thank you all for supporting our tamariki and showing an interest in their learning.

We hosted local Early Learning Centres yesterday in our celebration of Matariki. A number of our students were performing waiata/haka and were a credit to our school. The students were passionate and clearly enjoyed performing for a different audience. I know a number of siblings were very excited that their younger brothers and sisters watched them on stage. They were marvellous role models!

At this point I would like to thank all of our kaiako for their ongoing efforts to ensure all students receive the best learning experiences at Somerfield Te Kura Wairepo. When I visit classes I am always in awe of what our teachers do to meet the needs of all students in their classes and how excited our tamariki are in their learning.

At the end of the term there are often farewells and we farewell two of our kaiako. Firstly Mr Simon Ward in Space 1. Mr Ward has been with us since the beginning of 2023. We wish him well with his next venture. Ms Jessica Neugebauer will be teaching in Space 1 for Terms 3 and 4. Ms Sanchia Paterson is on leave until the end of 2023 and we look forward to seeing her return at the beginning of 2024. Mr Rod Newton will be replacing her for the rest of the year. Both new teachers have spent some time in our school at the end of the term getting to know the children and getting ready for term 3.

SMART Assembly

Tomorrow there will be a SMART Assembly at 2.15pm.

Our SMART awards at the end of each term are chosen by students in each class who demonstrate our SMART values. Each child in the class is given one vote and asked to give a reason for their vote. These sentences are used to make up the comment on the awards.

Teacher SMART awards are given out at the end of the year assembly.

Reports and Reconnecting with Whānau Interviews.

On the last day of the term you will receive your child's report via the school APP and be emailed the information you need to book a Reconnect with Whānau Interview. It is very important that your child attends these meetings to help support strengthen the student, teacher and parent partnership.

These are on the 24th and 25th July.

These interviews are not the only time you can meet with the classroom teachers. Throughout the year you can make an interview anytime. Contact the teacher directly and make an appointment. This way you will get the teachers undivided attention!