Hero photograph
Photo by Julie Bassett

Message from the Tumuaki

Denise Torrey —

He mihi mahana ki a koutou katoa - Warm greetings to all

With large numbers of tamariki away this week I'm sure we are all looking to the holidays to be a circuit breaker where everyone can get some much needed rest.

It is clear from our data that the majority of illness is in the junior school. Parents, you might like to consider putting your Year 0-3  into masks next term. We have ordered a lot through the Ministry of Education so we can help out!

Thank you all for your support in keeping sick children at home and although we have had some sick staff, not enough to close classes.

There is a lot happening next term including Sexuality Education and swimming for Waka Kōpapa and Tētē in the last two weeks of the term. We will be holding our Sexuality Consultation for all class levels of the school prior to the teaching of these units.

Whānau Re- Connecting Learning Conferences

Tomorrow you will receive your child's report and booking information for the Whānau Reconnecting Learning Conferences.

Due to COVID we have changed the way we will carry out our mid-year conferences with you.

These Whānau Re- Connecting Learning Conferences will be a 10 minute zoom or if absolutely necessary face to face (these will only be in the first session). These are held on 1 and 2 August between 3-8 pm. SCHOOL WILL CLOSE AT 2:30pm on these days. 

The purpose of these conferences is for you to re- connect with your child’s teacher and discuss your child’s learning. Your child needs to be part of the conference. This does not include Space 11.  If you have other issues to discuss with the teacher please make another time to do so.

Prior to the conference

  • discuss with your child the snapshots that have been sent out this year

  • read over the report and discuss possible goals for your child to set from the report which has a focus on reading, writing, mathematics and SMARTs

At the meeting conference

  • You will discuss with the teacher the learning

  • Tamariki will share some of their other learning

  • Set some goals with your child and the teacher

Sessions and Bookings

This session runs for 10 minutes. All the information needed for booking your child's conference will be sent out tomorrow.

NZ Playhouse

On Monday the school was treated to a show by NZ Playhouse. We are fortunate at Somerfield Te Kura Wairepo that our PTA supports the arts by funding this show for our tamariki. Thank you PTA.

Included in this article are some photos of recent events - Year 5 Rockets launches, Year 6's Go Kart trials and Year 4's Celebration of Learning.

Hope you get to spend some time with your children during the next two weeks. See you next term.