Hero photograph
Photo by Julie Bassett


Denise Torrey —

Message from the BoT Chairperson, Stephanie Muller

2 December 2021

Dear Whānau,

Thank you for your support with the important safety measures we have in place to reduce the risk of COVID-19.

The Government’s setting for Canterbury is Orange, despite few community cases and a high vaccination rate of 95%. This means we are subject to some public health measures for schools that may seem at odds with the current level of risk as we perceive it. However, as a Board we are required to implement the Alert Level 2/Orange setting regardless.

The biggest impact of this is on our ability to welcome whānau into the school, including the end of year events and activities. This has been a challenging experience for an inclusive community school such as ours. Other Canterbury schools are also faced with the difficult decision to move events and activities online.

At this stage, the Board has agreed in principle to hold the Year 6 Leavers’ Assembly with two whānau members able to attend in person to support and celebrate each student. This is an acknowledgement of the special character of the Leavers’ Assembly and the limited number of attendees, compared to larger end-of-year assemblies and events. These other assemblies and events will remain online only, unless the Alert Level or Traffic Light Setting reduces for Canterbury.

Looking forward, vaccination certificates enable us to consider reintroducing some larger events and activities. This is because if whānau and visitors to the school attending an event or activity are vaccinated, then a reduced set of rules apply. The Board supports vaccination to reduce the risk of COVID-19 and enable a safer, more open school environment.

The Board acknowledges some people are uncertain about vaccination, do not wish to get vaccinated, or are unable to get vaccinated for medical reasons. However, we are required to proactively manage risks to others from this. Tamariki are not currently eligible to be vaccinated: their protection comes from the vaccination status of those around them. In addition, a number of our staff are vulnerable to COVID-19, or live with or come into contact with people who are vulnerable.

For these reasons, expect to see next year some events and activities where a vaccination certificate (or medical exemption) will be a condition of entry. Of course, access to the school by tamariki and whānau for education will not be affected, and will be ensured regardless of vaccination status as required by the Government. We will update on exactly what this means in the New Year.

The Government guidelines are changing regularly, and the Board’s position will be kept under active review. For example, we may consider an adjustment to restrictions if children become eligible for vaccination.

I would like to acknowledge the tremendous work of all staff, the resilience of our tamariki, and the support of our school whānau, in continuing to face the challenges of the pandemic.

Wishing you and your whānau a safe and relaxing summer break, and we look forward to welcoming you back in 2022.

Ngā mihi nui,

Stephanie Muller
Chairperson, Somerfield Te Kura Wairepo Board of Trustees