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Photo by Denise Torrey

Attendance - ERO report

Denise Torrey —

Essential reading for all parents and caregivers.

Here are some highlights

  • Attendance in NZ schools is falling, alarmingly from 2015 to 2019.
  • We have lower attendance than other countries.
  • The main reason parents keep children out of school -  is to attend special events, holidays and withdrawing children for sporting events. The first two are certainly reflected in our attendance data.
  • The main reasons learners indicate they want to miss school - they don't like getting up in the morning, they don't want to participate in a certain event, not interested in school. These reason are less reflected in our data

In general our attendance data sits at 94% although this has been impacted by COVID this year and is lower.

Even this is concerning - 90% is one day every fortnight. That's a lot of missed learning over a year. You can see you children's attendance on your etap APP.

Summary Report


Full report
