Hero photograph
Photo by Denise Torrey

Message from the Tumuaki

Denise Torrey —

He mihi mahana ki a koutou katoa - Warm greetings to all.

As I predicted this was another busy term and for the most part we were able to have all planned activities.

I'd like to thank our staff for getting the year up and running so quickly. The previous two years the beginning of the year had been so disruptive that it was great to get back to "normal".

Congratulations to all our tamariki who ran in the cross country on Friday. I ordered a fine day and it appeared. It was the perfect day for running and we were impressed with the number of tamariki who achieved their personal goals. Thank you to those parents who came along to support.

On Tuesday Waka Tētē and Waka Kōpapa athletic sports managed to go ahead and we had another beautiful autumn day for our children to be outside. Once again our tamariki had great whānau support, lovely to see you all enjoying the day.

Also on Tuesday was Mokihi Parents partnership, with the Year 1 and 2's sharing their Aotearoa NZ Histories learning. Yesterday the tamariki in Year 5 shared their art work and today Year 6's shared their learning with their whānau.

Next Term Year 3 and 4 will share their learning with whānau.

Today is the winning house celebration. They will be playing tabloids and having an ice block treat!


We have a lot of great activities for you to undertake through the break as part of your athon and we hope you all enjoy being "sustainable". The athon information will be brought home today.

SMART Assembly today, Thursday 6 April, 2:15pm school hall

Term 2 begins

A reminder Term 2 starts on Wednesday 26 April. Monday 24 April is a Teachers Only Day and the 25 April ANZAC day, a public holiday.

So far we have dodged any major illnesses although we have had an increase of COVID cases this week. I wish you a illness free Easter break and hope you enjoy some time together as a whānau. Fingers crossed we get some lovely autumn weather!