Hero photograph
Photo by Julie Bassett

Message from the Tumuaki

Denise Torrey —

He mihi mahana ki a koutou katoa - Warm greetings to all.

Welcome to Term 2. With the great weather for the first two days of the term we have had a very positive start. It has been great to catch up with many of you before and after school.

Welcome to a number of new whānau to our school, community and in some cases, our country. I know the Somerfield school community will make you feel welcome.

It is going to be a busy term as we get some of our normal programmes up and running. This term the Deep Learning focus for Waka Kōtahi, Kōpapa and Tētē is technology and Waka Mōkihi will be working with Sam Bates on dance and drama. You will hear more from your class teacher.  Also check out the Student Leadership programme for the term.

You will see in a separate article the sharing of some of the results of a school travel plan survey that was carried out by CCC last year. Thanks to those who filled it in. Sadly, we only had parents back on site one day and I fielded a complaint about parents parking across a neighbour's driveway. I'd prefer not to blame and shame but it isn't good enough that as adults consideration is not given to our community by a small group of parents. I will put photos in the newsletter of cars that show a disrespect for our neighbours and  the police will also be sent a copy.

A few other reminders from me:

  • smart watches are covered in our Digital Device policy and are the same as cell phones and MUST be handed in at the office before school. 
  • All policies can be found on somerfield.schooldocs.co.nz. User name; somerfield. Password smart.
  • our tamariki should arrive at school between 8:30am and 8:45am. If they arrive beforehand they must wait inside the gates on either entrance until the 8:30am bell rings. 
  • all tamariki who are not being supervised by whānau must go home at the 3:10pm bell
  • while waiting for pick up after school children are to be inside the gates. If they have not been picked up by 3:10pm they must come to the office. This is to ensure their safety and to track down whānau.
  • tamariki who use wheelies to come to school, including skates, need to have a helmet

Some Important Dates this Term- SCHOOL CLOSED

Kahukura Community of Practice Teachers Only Day - Friday 3 June

Queens Birthday-  Monday 6 June

Matariki - 24 June