Hero photograph
Photo by Julie Bassett

Message from the Tumuaki

Denise Torrey —

He mihi mahana ki a koutou katoa - Warm greetings to all.

Congratulations to our 52 strong athletics team who competed on Tuesday. We had many positive results and will be sending our biggest team ever to the Centrals later in the term. Thanks to Jane Sewell who managed to get everyone to the correct events at the correct time. No mean feat!

As the year marches on we have a number of activities coming up.

Next Wednesday evening, 16 November 6-8pm, the Kahukura cluster of schools have a Celebration of Performing Arts at Te Ara Koropiko West Spreydon School. This involves Somerfield tamariki if they wish to perform. They have been practising in their kapahaka ropu for this event so if your child wishes to perform we invite parents to bring a picnic tea and watch the seven schools. Our Year 3-6 choirs will also perform. There are three sing a long songs. (links below) so bring singing voices, a guitar or ukulele if you wish to join in.

Pepeha: :https://youtu.be/y_CJFEKNvX8

Don't Dream It's Over: https://youtu.be/XKXJClLO09U\

He Honere: https://youtu.be/dIE92cfUEGY

Don’t mix this up with the Kōtahi trip during the day as they are walking up Kahukura maunga as part of their Aotearoa New Zealand Histories unit.

Tomorrow, Friday 11 November, is Canterbury Anniversary - SCHOOL IS CLOSED

Teachers Union Meetings - 12:30pm 17 November (next Thursday)- please email your child's class teacher if they are unable to go home at.  All children will be sent home unless we have your email.

Those children staying will be supervised by teachers not attending the meeting and our Learning Support team.

Parent helpers- many of you have helped us throughout the year and whether it was helping with trips, putting away books, mending or preparing readers etc we appreciate your help. I'd like to invite you to a thank you morning tea on Monday, 12 December at 11am in our staffroom. Please RSVP Julie Bassett - j.bassett@somerfield.school.nz,  if you can join us.

Attendance- yesterday ERO released their report on attendance in NZ school, it is sobering reading. The key findings I have included in another article are essential reading for every caregiver and parent. As you may be aware at Somerfield Te Kura Wairepo we have a relentless focus on our tamariki attending school. It is clear that those that attend regularly have better LIFE outcomes, not just schooling outcomes. Aside from illness, it is frustrating when some in the community don't take attendance as seriously as the school!

Image by: Julie Bassett
Image by: Julie Bassett