Hero photograph
Photo by Julie Bassett

Message from the Tumuaki

Denise Torrey —

He mihi mahana kia koutou katoa - Warm greetings to all

I'm sure there are a lot of fingers crossed throughout our student community hoping that we can move to Level 1 next Thursday so our disco can run on Friday. See a separate notice about this but I'd like to thank our PTA for being so flexible.

I'd just like to remind whanau that the School APP is our main form of quick communication with you all. Can I please get you to check in with your friends to see they are using it and if they are not get them to contact Kellie Englefield who will help them set it up? 

(k.englefield@somerfield.school.nz). If you do have the APP please set your notifications.

The staff had a very successful Professional Learning Day on Monday with a focus on music. Next term there will be a unit of music and might also include dance and drama. This will be after swimming and our Sexuality unit.

We are putting Open Evening Information on our website in the next few days. This will include a video of our students walking through the different space which will give a birds eye view into what happens in the classroom.

If we cannot have our health consultation in Week 10 all information will be put up on the website and teachers will also be sending you the details of what they are teaching for that unit.

SMART Assembly will be going ahead 2 pm, 25 September. Check out how this will happen further in the newsletter.