Julie Bassett — Jun 15, 2021

Snapshots of your child's learning.


During term 1 and 2 you have received snapshots of your child's learning. The timetable for this was sent out at the beginning of the term in the team newsletter. These provide you with information on how the children are progressing across the curriculum. When the snapshot is sent out you are able to view the work sample and at the top it outlines whether the child has achieved (green) or working towards (white), please see attachments below. If you have any questions about the sample, please come in and see/email your child's classroom teacher and they will be able to give you more information if needed. It is great to hear that children have been excited to share their learning with their parents. These conversations strengthen the home/school partnership and make a big difference to children.

Summary from ERO – Educationally Powerful Connections with Parents and Whānau – Nov 2015

‘Educationally powerful connections involve 2-way collaborative partnerships that reflect the concept of mahi tahi - working together towards a specific goal of supporting a young person’s success