Hero photograph
Photo by Julie Bassett

COVID Update

Denise Torrey —

COVID PROTECTION FRAMEWORK TRAFFIC LIGHT SETTING -RED- Updates from 3.02.22. This section of the newsletter will be updated so check it out each week.

 For general info go to covid19.govt.nz

What it means for us

Schools remain open under the RED setting

Information about getting your child vaccinated was included in a previous email. This is our first line of defense

Getting Connected Interviews- 1 and 2 February

The last thing we need is to have a lot of affected people at the beginning of the year so these are going to zoom.

Please book by Friday 28, 5 pm. On Monday 31 January will receive a link with general information and your zoom invite from your class teacher

Please go to the school website to get information on booking your interview. www.somerfield.school.nz


  • ALL STAFF are now to wear face masks at school

  • Years 4,5 &6 are now to wear face masks - please provide your child with a mask.  Students with exemptions please email me.

  • Masks are not required outside and we'll be doing regular mask breaks.
  • All those coming on-site will need to wear a mask, scan, and contact trace.

Sick Tamariki

Supporting you Child's Education

This does not necessarily need to be on site. If you wish to meet with a teacher or staff member email us and we can set up a zoom. Depending on the circumstances you may come on site. The rules are essential visitors only.

Delivering the curriculum when we have sickness

  • We will try and deliver dual systems if possible if we have sick children and teachers but at times some classes might be closed or there will be designated days to attend depending on levels of sickness.

Drop Off and Pick Ups

  • As before tamariki will be dropped off and picked up at the gates and cannot enter the school again until after 3:30 pm.

  • When dropping off and picking up, stay 2 metres apart and wear a mask.

  • Non-essential visitors will NOT be allowed in the school

  • Late arrivals will be left at the gate and met by an admin person

  • Those going to appointments will be sent to a gate - if young with an admin person

  • Phone the office if there is a forgotten lunch or similar, one of us will come and collect from you at the gate

  • Those who are New Entrants starting this year will have different arrangements initially and you will be notified as to what these are late in the week.

Please prepare your child for the drop-offs. We will have extra people at the gate to support us.

There will be NO Assemblies under the RED setting


We are going to operate the best solution for ventilation, fresh air!! We have protocols around this. We have also ordered some air purifiers

Health and Safety

The usual messages apply.

  • Wash and sanitize hands

  • Cough, sneeze into elbow

  • Stay Home if sick


There are no events planned at this stage but when there are they will strictly abide by the rules of gatherings under the Red setting.

Our Health and Safety Plan for Red has been emailed to you and is on the website and attached below.

Many of your questions will be answered by this plan.