Hero photograph
Photo by Julie Bassett

Message from the Tumuaki

Denise Torrey —

He mihi mahana kia koutou katoa - Warm greetings to all.

Today I'd like to congratulate Abby Blanch who has been appointed to the position of Deputy Principal at Redcliffs school, starting next year. Abby has been with us for 17 years and in that time has made an outstanding contribution to  tamariki learning as well as  staff skill and knowledge.  We wish her all the best in her exciting new position, their gain is our loss. We will farewell Abby at out final assembly.

Tomorrow is the last day of swimming and I have had positive feedback from the tamariki as well as teachers about these lessons and we will receive some assessment data from the instructors in due course.

As a country surrounded by water and many waterways it is imperative our tamariki know how to swim and be safe in the water. We are mindful that ten lessons a year are not enough .As we live in a community close to a community pool it would be wise to carry on these lessons in the future. The confidence and skills of children who have extra tuition  is very noticable. Great Christmas  presents as opposed to a lot of other possibilities!!

Student Placements for 2020

We are currently working on class placements for 2020. Children in this year's Years 1,3,5 are likely to stay with their current class mates and if there are any changes we will be consulting with you. Years 2 and 4 are likely to have some changes as they move through to other areas of the school. If you would like to discuss who your child works well with and who you consider they need a break from please contact me or come and see me (not the classroom teacher). We may not be able to cater for everyone’s requests but happy to consider your thoughts. It's important for you to consider we do work in collaborations. Please contact me before tomorrow, Friday, 25 October as after this it will be too late as we need to have our classes. Staffing is still being finalised.

Hall Murals

Check out the new murals in and on the hall. A huge thank you to Daniel Caigou for his design work.

Monday, 28 October is Labour Day and school is closed.