Hero photograph
Photo by Julie Bassett

Message from the Tumuaki

Denise Torrey —

He mihi mahana kia koutou katoa - Warm greetings to all

It has been a very interesting term with Alert Levels, building projects, landscaping and getting everyone back to school and settled.

I'd like to thank you for your support this term and hoping we can have one that has some sense of normality in Term 3 !!

There has been a number of children away from school with colds and other illnesses. Next term if your child is going to be away for more than 3 days the class teacher will contact you and offer access to the updated Workspace. Our Workspaces are designed to cater for the different learning needs we have in a particular year level. You don't have to try to do it all or in fact any of it!

We don't expect children to do any work, that is entirely up to you.

I have my fingers crossed we will have less illness and lots of great weather in both the holidays and next term!

Tomorrow you will receive your child's report. Can you please read the article about this in another section of the newsletter. It is especially important that those with children in Waka Kopapa and Waka Tete understand how to book your child's learning journey and when each session will end. We look forward to 100% attendance at these learning journeys which are very important to our tamariki.

Tomorrow is our SMART assembly and as we have Term 1 and Term 2 SMARTs to give out we will be starting on the dot of 2 pm.

Happy holiday and see you next term.