Message from the Tumuaki
He mihi mahana ki a koutou katoa - Warm greetings to all.
This morning is was an opportunity for the Year 6 to share their maths learning with their whānau. I think the tamariki were better at the games than their parents to be honest! What was noticable was the confidence of our tamariki in their maths knowledge and use of maths language. Congratulations Year 6.
On Monday is the first of the Kahukura Cluster Music Festival performances. Best wishes to Miss McKinney, the choir and the ukelele group for Monday night.
Next week we have 16 tamariki competing in the Zone basketball tournament at Pioneer stadium. Best wishes to Dave Harrison and the Year 5 and 6 teams on Thursday.
Next Friday is Sausage Sizzle day and we are changing our procedure to have the sausages delivered to the classroom by Year 6 helpers. Children who are have a sausage will need a lunch box to help with the process and avoid a mess!!! Thanks for your help with this.
APP notification Messages
It has been brought to our attention that it is sometimes not easy to find past messages on the APP to refer to. We will keep relevant messages on the APP for two weeks.
We have also undertaken a review of our website and are making some significant changes to help in our communication with you.