Hero photograph
Photo by Julie Bassett

Message from the Tumuaki

Denise Torrey —

He mihi mahana kia koutou katoa - Warm greetings to all.

Welcome back to Term 4 and I hope you managed some time to have a break and enjoy some of the spring sunshine.

A special welcome to Nicole Crow who joins us this term to teach  our newest New Entrant class in 12a. Nicole was a student teacher here earlier in the year.

The term has started well with the focus for the next two weeks on swimming and our "Keeping Ourselves Safe" units. We are looking forward to a schoolwide art unit with an exhibition later in the term and then our Place Based Learning programme.

Our redevelopment plan is just about to get back on track shortly as in the holidays  most the asbestos was removed. This is yet to be completed due to added complications, but when it is the space will be filled with gravel and prepared to bring our buildings on site. Only a term late!! This means we won't be moving at the end of the year as planned but likely at the end of Term 1 beginning Term 2.

While we were busy here in the holidays, Te Komanawa Rowley had new fences installed and walkway covers replaced and painted. It looks great!

Bike and Scooter Safety

The children have been warned that if they are caught biking or scooting in the school grounds before or immediately after school(they can do  this in front of the hall after school) then I will take their scooter or bike and give you a ring. With the site effectively a building site and more people moving in and around it is even more important that our children show consideration and take care of others.

Student Placements for 2020

We are currently working on class placements for 2020. Children in this year's Years 1,3,5 are likely to stay with their current class mates and if there are any changes we will be consulting with you. Years 2 and 4 are likely to have some changes as they move through to other areas of the school. If you would like to discuss who your child works well with and who you consider they need a break from please contact me or come and see me (not the classroom teacher). We may not be able to cater for everyone’s requests but happy to consider your thoughts. It's important for you to consider we do work in collaborations. Please contact me  before Friday, 25 October as after this it will be too late as we need to have our classes. Staffing is still being finalised.