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Somerfield Te Kura Wairepo

Newsletter - 21 March 2024


Message from the Tumuaki

by Denise Torrey

He mihi mahana ki a koutou katoa - Warm greetings to all.

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IMPORTANT - Parenting Protection Orders

by Denise Torrey

Please read

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PTA News

by Julie Bassett

PTA News: Thank you to all those who ordered Hot Cross Buns for our first fundraiser of the year.

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PTA AGM/BOT Meetings change of dates

by Denise Torrey

BOT and PTA are on the same evening. 4 April

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by Julie Bassett

David Calder Mills

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The HELL Reading Challenge

by Julie Bassett

We are very excited to be continuing our partnership with HELL Pizza. Their enthusiasm for children’s reading and generous ongoing commitment is awesome.

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by Denise Torrey

This fundraiser is coming home at the end of the term.

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Community News

by Julie Bassett

Please read what is happening in the community.

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CTFC 2024 Registrations - Football

by Julie Bassett

To get yourself signed up click the link -

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Dates for 2024

by Denise Torrey

Term Dates, Public Holiday Dates and Term 1 Activities

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sushi Meets Dumplings Lunch Order

by Julie Bassett

How to order - (Tuesday to Friday)

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