Hero photograph
Photo by Kowhai Kindergarten

Generous Gifts from the Community

Kowhai Kindergarten —

Thanks to one of our wonderful committee members, Ali, we received a very generous donation of sports gear from Morse Aluminium and Stake Glass.

We were given rugby balls, soccer balls. basketballs, small balls, wiffle balls, a tee ball kit, and a basketball hoop. The children at Kowhai were so excited and appreciative. Two lovely employees, Dharma and Bradley, along with Ali, came along and showed us some soccer skills and generally had a good time. We were amazed that they had blown up every ball for us and constructed the hoop so that we were all set to play when they got here.

Needless to say we have had a lot of balls games ever since and the skills the tamariki have acquired and honed is amazing. We are so grateful and humbled by this generous donation.