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Prize Giving Information

Principal Kate Mcclelland - December 5, 2024

Kia ora koutou,

We are really looking forward to our whole school prize giving next Tuesday 10th December, 6pm at the Avonside Girls / Shirley Boys theatre.

  • Students to arrive from 5.40pm for a 6pm sharp start. We expect to finish around 7.30pm.

  • There is lots of parking available onsite (a large parking area behind the theatre - entry off Travis Road)

  • Students to wear full school uniform

  • Students will be sat in front of the stage with their teacher and class. The teachers will be there to greet the students, when they arrive from 5.40pm

  • All adults/whānau to sit in the seating provided.

Some frequently asked questions;

  • Can we leave once my child gets their award? We we encouraging all whānau and students to remain for the whole time. It's a celebration of all our learners and award winners.

  • Can I bring my pre-schooler? Yes, of course! We encourage all whānau to attend. We do ask that all pre-schoolers remain seated with their adult/parent for the entire prize-giving. We accept that it is a late night for our little folk so please consider this when making that decision.

  • Do the students need to wear uniform? Yes it's a formal school occasion so full school uniform is required.

  • Is the prize giving only for students who are receiving prizes? No, we encourage all our school whānau to attend and celebrate the achievements of all learners. We will have performances from our kapa haka group, choir and school band. We will also hear from some of our key people.

  • What is the outline of the prize giving?


  • This year we are introducing class awards for Year 0-7, in addition to our Year 8 senior cups and prizes. The three new categories for the awards are:

  • Whanonga Pono Award (one per class) for students who have consistently shown the school tikanga. They are respected by their peers and always show care, connection, courage, creativity and curiosity.

  • Panekiretanga Award (one per class) for students who perform to the highest standard and benchmark, a pinnacle of achievement and excellence

  • Haumāuiui Award (one per class) for students who have accomplished, attained (through hard work), achieved and made excellent progress

We look forward to seeing you there! 

Ngā mihi nui,

Kate and team