Hero photograph
Photo by Admin SNBS

Introducing the SNBS PTA

Karen Ward —

We are a friendly group of parents and teachers who meet once a month to organise fun events for the children and parents of South New Brighton School. We also fundraise to provide lots of extra equipment and resources for South New Brighton School.

Introducing our PTA:

Rebecca Cheetham, Liz Yuki, Anna Kurapova, Rosie Johnston, Janet Macdonald, Kym Barrington, Kate McLean, Donna Dimond, Ursh Brown, Carrie Pritchard, Daniele Billings, Aoife Adamson, Lisa Fitness, Kate Shanks, Annabelle Robins, Caroline Price, Kate Nesbitt, Julia Cassels, Anna King, Sam Orchard, Karla Leishman

School staff - Jess Fisher-Robertson, Mel Koppier

If you would like to help the PTA - by becoming a member or helping on an adhoc basis - please click here to send us your details. More info on what we do is below.

If you need to make a payment to the PTA then our account number is:

38-9022-0668328-00  (Kiwibank)

During the year, we run a range of fundraisers and events, to help contribute to school equipment, projects and initiatives that SNBS children take part in. The types of events we have run are:

  • quiz nights

  • children's discos

  • kid’s market days

  • the SNBS Great Spring Raffle

  • Hot chocolate days

  • Coupland's hot cross bun fundraiser

  • Spring bulb sales

  • Easter Raffle

We also run the secondhand uniform shop – the proceeds from this going to gardening projects around the school.

For information on SNBS Secondhand Uniform, head over to the dedicated Facebook page (insert link - https://www.facebook.com/SNBSsecondhanduniform/ ).

Over the last year, and thanks to the school and wider community’s support of our fundraisers, we were able to buy and contribute to the following:

  • musical instruments

  • band equipment

  • sand and sandpit toys

  • sports equipment

  • sports uniforms

  • academic and sports events 

  • contributions to the year groups for buying new games

In recent years, and depending on the amount of funds raised, we are delighted to be able to allocate the following amounts to initiatives taking place within the school:

  • $10,000 to $12,000 – funding requests from SNBS staff

  • $ 1,000 – allocated to wellbeing projects

  • Our large scale fundraisers (the SNBS Great Spring Raffle & the planned SNBS Fair) raise funds for a specific project(s) in the school, determined when planning starts. 

We also support the school’s discretionary fund to assist families who are are experiencing difficulty.

We would love to see you at our next meeting. Read the  Snippets for details of this. Meetings are usually on a weeknight in the staffroom. New fundraising ideas are always appreciated and considered.

If you are unable to attend regular meetings you may still be able to help with running events or from home. You may be able to do things like design posters, telephoning, contacting businesses for donations, distribute fundraising items, etc.

If you would like to be part of the SNBS PTA in any way please contact us at pta@snbs.school.nz or talk to the office staff who can point you in the right direction.