Admin SNBS — Mar 19, 2019

If your child is a Year 3, 4, 5 or 6 Student and wants to play futureFERNS Netball at The Christchurch Netball Centre in Hagley Park after school every Friday afternoon in Term 2 and 3, they need to collect a Registration Form from Mrs Flaus and return the completed Registration Form to Mrs Flaus in Room 4, by this Thursday 21 st March.

If your child is a Year 8 Student and would like to play 7 a-side Netball at The Christchurch Netball Centre in Hagley Park on Saturdays mornings during Term 2 & 3, they need to return their completed Registration Form to Mrs Flaus by this Thursday 21 st March.

Please note that registering to play futureFERNS Netball or Saturday Junior Netball with Mrs Flaus is an Optional Sports Programme and incurs a Fee separate to other school activities.

Thank you from Gabrielle Flaus

Room 4 Teacher