Hero photograph
Commonwealth games
Photo by Admin SNBS

Commonwealth Games Day - 12th April

Admin SNBS —

We welcome all parents to our SNBS Commonwealth Games

Thursday 12 April   1-3pm

Students will participate with their buddy class in games/activities.

Please ask you child’s teacher for their country.

Programme and countries/teams below.

Africa  - Wave Riders

Americas - Legends

Oceania - Ruru

Europe - Kuaka

Dress up in colours of your region’s country.

Opening ceremony - 1pm - back court

Line up next to buddy class. ( numbers in chalk)

1 class member holds flag for each country

Flag bearers walk around coned area field.

Finish front of staged area. Each flag bearer to call out their country.


Welcome all and read the Queen's Message (or something similar )


Warm up dance from Borobi (mascot) - jump jam will lead this. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3tiu4E--60w

1.30 -2.30

Buddies classes go off to own area for games.


Closing ceremony - All back on back court