Hero photograph
Message from the Principal
Photo by Ian Quilter

From the Principal's Desk

Tamara Bell —

Week 10 - Term 2, 2019. Ngā mihi nui ki a koutou katoa!

Wow - it is hard to believe we are halfway through the year, two terms down and two to go!

Ring 105 for Non Emergencies

NZ Police have recently launched a new non-emergency number, 105. They have done this to make it easier to get hold of Police in the event of non-urgent situations or ‘Things which have Already Happened’, which don’t require Police assistance immediately.

You can call them on 105 for all non-emergencies, or you can go online at 105.police.govt.nz to report things like:

- Lost property

- Theft for a public place or car

- Intentional property damage

- Or to get an update or add info to a previous report

In the event of an emergency, always call 111 - 111 is for reporting Things that are Happening Now.

Over the next year Police School Co-ordinators will be bringing educational collateral supporting the rollout of 105. Feel free to visit the resources page at 105.police.govt.nz.

Vodafone Competition - Sing your way to win part of a total prize pool of $13K

As proud technology partners, Vodafone are helping to spread the word about 105.

Check out the New Zealand Police 105 song, then re-create your own version. Get your friends and family involved. Simply film it, then upload to vodafone.co.nz/105 for the chance to win part of a total prize pool of $13,000 from Vodafone.

Visit 105.police.govt.nz to hear the song or visit vodafone.co.nz/105 find out more about the competition

Canterbury Cross Country Representatives 2019


I want to say a huge congratulations to the 7 Southbridge students who were selected from the Ellesmere zone to represent our school and our zone at the Canterbury cross country competition.  I believe this was the highest number of students from Southbridge (we had 8 selected but 1 student has since moved to a new school) we have ever had selected for the Canterbury champs - they did super well and we are very proud of them!  A huge thanks to Mrs Nikki McCartin for her work preparing our team and also for being part of the organising committee who were tasked with setting up the course at 7am, in the dark, on a FREEZING Canterbury morning! Koia kei a koe - you are awesome!

Strictly Jump Jam Team 2019

Last Saturday I was able to get along to watch 1 of the 2 Jump Jam teams representing our school at the Canterbury Jump Jam competition in Christchurch.  Both teams did an amazing job, they looked fantastic and performed with mana, energy and enthusiasm.  Both teams were awarded several different certificates and awards for their respective performances and we are extremely proud of your hard work and hours of practice which paid off on the day.  A massive thanks to Nicole Thornton and Nicole Greenwood who have given up hours of their time during lunch breaks, after school and on Saturday to coach and support the 2 teams.  Also a huge thanks to all the parents who helped get our kids ready on the day, transported them to and from practices and performances and were cheering our teams on during their performances. It was a pleasure to see them having such a great time and competing right up there with the best teams in Canterbury!

All Stars Jump Jam Team 2019

I wish you all a safe and relaxing two week break with your whānau and I look forward to seeing you all again on Monday 22nd July when we return to kick off Term 3!

Ngā mihi nui,

Tamara Bell — Whaea T
Principal — Tumuaki