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Photo by Southern Cross Campus

Important information for parents/ families of Y11 - Y13 students

Southern Cross Campus —

Our College Director Miss Alatasi shares our Health and Safety process in place as we prepare for our school reopening for learning tomorrow to Year 11, Year 12 and Year 13 students

Image by: Southern Cross Campus

Dear Parents & Caregivers

The Ministry of Education announced last week that all Year 11-13 students can return to school from Tuesday 26th October 2021. Since the announcement, we have been working hard to ensure that we have put in place the right health and safety processes and systems so that the safety of both staff and students come first.

In our communication with families and students, we know that you are doing the right things by staying home, getting tested when unwell and getting vaccinated. We hosted a vaccination drive over the weekend which was a success and wish to thank all our families and community who used this opportunity to come down to school and get vaccinated. However, we understand that there are families and students that are anxious to return to school against the backdrop of daily reported cases that are still high. We encourage senior students to return to school as they will benefit hugely from having their teacher physically present to support them in their learning. The school environment allows them access to other resources and less distractions so that they can focus on gaining the credits and necessary academic requirements to achieve their individual goals. We respect that the final decision rests with you as parents and caregivers and we will fully support you to make the best decision for your child and family.

We want to maximise learning opportunities while minimising the potential impact on our staff and students so have put together a programme that consists of continuing to operate distance learning as well as in the classroom.

Our preparation for students return

In preparation of the students return staff are required to have had a negative Covid test within 5 days of their return to work. Staff that are not fully vaccinated will be required to have weekly tests. All contractors on site have tight health and safety requirements to ensure they are well separated from students.

Our school day will be shorter – 8.45am school gates open (students will go straight to class) and the end of day is 2pm. Students break times will be scheduled by each teacher to avoid students mixing bubbles and gathering in large numbers in areas of the school.

There is also a timetable change which means students will remain in one subject class for the whole day with no changing of periods. This will limit the movement of staff and students around the school and the cross over of school bubbles.

Our school has had a full clean, every staff member and classroom will be equipped with hand sanitisers, disinfectant, and wipes for wipe down of desks daily. This practise would be normal for our students as we continued to do this even before lockdown had occurred.

Safety in the classroom will look like

If your child is feeling sick or unwell we ask they remain at home and if you can make contact with the school office of their absence. If you child attends school and are showing symptoms of COVID19 they will be sent home. School nurse will make contact with parent/ caregiver.

· All staff and students MUST wear masks at all times – this includes in the classroom and when outside

· There will be hand sanitiser in every room which must be used on entry.

· There will be disinfectant sprays and wipes in each classrooms - all surfaces will be cleaned at the end of every day.

· Classrooms will be ventilated as much as is possible.

· Students will observe social distancing in the classroom – desks 1 metre apart and student to remain at their allocated seat for lesson.

· Breaktimes – teachers will schedule their own break times with their class, students will be provided with water each day and a packed lunch.

What students need to bring each day?

The school will provide each student a packed lunch and water each day.

What we will need each student to bring with them each day for their learning is listed below

· A mask of their own if they wish but we will also provide each student with a mask they can keep for every school day

· Device – if they have their own please bring that to school, or if they have been given a loan device from the school if they could also bring that with them for their learning. Every student will take their devices home after each day.

· Writing materials and their books.

· Students to be in school uniform.

We are looking forward to seeing all our students back in school as we have all missed them.

We will continue to inform parents of any daily changes made through emails, text messages and through our school facebook page.

Kind regards,

Miss M. Alatasi

Director of College Year 9-13