Angela Botherway — Apr 11, 2024

The school has had a great start to 2024. We welcomed over 30 new students to our school across the South Island.

A reminder that our "Phones away for the session" begins from the start of Term 2. The rules are attached below.

Here are a few photos of people who have made us proud of their bravery and commitment to education and mahi post Health School.

Louie is pictured on the beach with a fish he caught. He has made a return to school this term and continues to impress the people who know him with his resilience. His recent newspaper item is copied below. 

Image by: Angela Botherway
Image by: Angela Botherway

A huge congratulations to Liam who has achieved his Bachelor of Social Sciences. Liam supports our learners across our 3 community classrooms in Christchurch. Well done Liam!

Image by: Angela Botherway

Past student Nikita Begbie found her passion for helping adults and elderly people at Mid-Canterbury’s Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB) and is now focused on helping develop a Youth Tool Kete/kit. Fantastic mahi Nikita.

Image by: Angela Botherway