Dianne Prendergast — Sep 30, 2021

In this issue: Farewell to Viv Familton, A great way to celebrate the last day of the term, Welcome to Margo for Term 4 and Three Cheers to our Magnificent Artists.

Yesterday afternoon we held a special in-house assembly to celebrate the contributions Viv Familton has made to our school before she leaves today. It would have been lovely to have parents attend, but we knew that wasn't possible under Level 2. Chris Seller spoke on behalf of the Board and as a parent and thanked Viv for all she has done. I also said a few words and got the current students to put their hand up if they had had a teacher aide support them at any time - heaps of hands were up, which shows Viv's work has touched many. Thanks for Jayden and Sammy for running the event.

We sincerely wish her all the best as she relocates with her family to Blenheim. We know she'll do great things up there. We are also sure she'll pop in sometime when she is back in Christchurch. Go well Viv. 

Today was a bit different for all the students, as Mt Hutt offered us a catch up day since missing our Covid date and  classes at school got to do some special activities and have more fun for their last day. I'm glad we are A+ Adaptable and take these opportunities when they arise.

As Viv's leaving leaves the Heaphy team short on staff, we have Margo Wilson joining our team for Term 4. She will partner with Janey to make up a full-time equivalent and with Rochelle Hiddlestone, complete the Heaphy Team. We look forward to Margo's input into our school.

If you have been observant over the last few days you would have noticed the growing artistic image in the bus shelter outside the school grounds on Leeston Road. This is the work of some of our senior students who decided the shelter needed a face lift and took to consulting with the Selwyn District Council and securing paint and the support of Resene. Now it is the beginning of a beautiful landmark in our township. Thanks girls (Rose, Isla, Keira and Ashley) for your efforts and talents; you have done an amazing job so far and we look forward to it being finished.