Pet Day - Term 3
Get yourself ready for our annual Pet Day in term 4.
Just a reminder that we have Pet Day coming up in Term 4. This year Pet Day will be on Friday 20 October. In the next couple of weeks, we will get the students together that are going to enter an agricultural project animal so that they know the clear expectations of what they will need to do to help them meet the judging on the day and complete their projects. These animals are generally lambs, pigs, calves, kids, and poultry and have to be born after 1 July. Entering and being judged at school enables these pets to be judged at Area Day later in November.
Entry forms for all classes will be sent home in the next few weeks. Please get entry forms in as soon as possible as this helps us to plan for how many judges will be needed on the day.
We are looking for a sponsor for prize ribbons that will be presented to the winning agricultural pets on Pet Day. Please see Bobbie if you can help.
In the meantime keep feeding those pets. If you have any questions or just need some clarification please ask your child's teacher. If they can't help you please see Bobbie in Tongariro.