Karen Stanford — Nov 15, 2020

The children in Heaphy have been learning literacy and maths skills through the topic of pirates, as well as many other things. To finish off the theme we invited the children from Milford to join us for a special pirate day. An amazing day was had by all!

We started the day by having to crack the Pirate Code together and then had a parade in the playground so everyone could see our great costumes. 

Image by: Karen Stanford
Image by: Karen Stanford

After that Shylo came to share his knowledge about pirates in the past. He had lots of things to tell us about.

Image by: Karen Stanford

After that we took part in art activities and outdoor challenges. Here is a photo of the Peg Leg Races where children had to work together.

Image by: Karen Stanford

We then had a pirate feast! There was some much food we went back multiple times to get more. Thank you to all the parents who provided this wonderful feast. You all got into the spirit of things and did a fantastic job! 

Image by: Karen Stanford

Later we were entertained by children in Milford who performed a pirate play which we all enjoyed. 

Image by: Karen Stanford

Last of all we took part in a Scavenger Hunt which Chris Seller kindly organised for us. The children in Milford helped the younger Heaphy students to complete this and once they had found the clues their reward was a chocolate coin.

Image by: Karen Stanford

Image by: Karen Stanford