Jo Cotton — Jan 28, 2024

"Prayer is the Engine Room of the Church" - Charles Spurgeon.

We are launching a parish-wide prayer initiative.

At both the 9.30am and Lifestreams Services we have a prayer ministry. During and after Communion, prayer is offered in the chapel at the 9.30am service, and in the prayer room at Lifestreams. Two prayer ministers are rostered each Sunday and are available to you for prayer. Alternatively, you can also write your prayer request before the service begins, put it in the basket provided and it will be prayed for as well. And it can be anonymous if you wish or just use a first name. 

This year I have created prayer profiles of the St Barnabas staff and ministry leaders as well as the Bishop and Vestry. These will be in each prayer room where the prayer ministers can pray each week for some of our team.

I have also put them into a booklet format, for anyone to take home so they can pray for our staff and ministry leaders. I encourage you to take one home and throughout the year pray for the people in it. If you are a family perhaps you could encourage your children to also pray for everyone, add a person a night to your dinner grace or bedtime prayers.

Prayer is a vitally important part of our Christian life and for the Church. My hope is that we can all grow in the knowledge and love of Christ and be encouraged through praying together and for each other. Plus I also hope that you may also get to know some of the staff and ministry leaders a little bit more through their short blurbs about themselves.

The Prayer for St Barnabas booklet will be available at church on Sunday and also from the parish office. 

Or you can request to have it emailed to you as a PDF if you prefer, email me at

It is also attached here as a PDF. 

Thanks for your prayers!