Celebrating St Barnabas 9-11 June
Jo Cotton - June 1, 2023
Beginning with:
Parish Dinner Friday 9 June @ 6pm, Fendall Hall
We are asking attendees to arrive at 6 pm, with grace being said at 6.15 pm.
Please bring your own dinner plate, dessert plate, knife, fork and spoon and glass. Also, your own choice of drink. And a dish of food to share. The cost of the dinner is a Koha.
All welcome but so food can be coordinated, Bookings are Essential to Margaret Harper ph: 027 280 1002 margaret.harper438@gmail.com
Any queries to Margaret Harper, or Jo Cotton.
Sunday Services:
8am service now meets in the Tui Room for the winter.
Combined Service on Sunday Morning 11 June
Combined Service (930am & lifestreams congregations) @10am in the Church. Everyone is Welcome.
Fellowship Lunch follows at 12 noon at Elmwood Trading Co, Normans Rd. All welcome.
5pm Choral Night Prayer led by Rev Philip Robinson.
Confirmation Service in the evening at Antioch
@7pm in the Hall
Both Dr Andrew Butcher and Andy Dickson will be among the 8 people being confirmed by Bishop Peter that night.
Everyone is Welcome - do come along and support those making steps of faith and commitment to Christ and to our Anglican Church.