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by Jenny Wilkens

Visit to a brand new church - Holy Trinity Avonside

Jo Cotton - June 16, 2022

A large group of parishioners enjoyed a van outing for a guided tour of one of our Diocese's newest churches, Holy Trinity, Avonside.

Vicar Jill Keir took people around the new building, with stories of the rebuild and how beautiful elements of the old building destroyed in the quakes were able to be salvaged and reused in the new building. There were a number of St Barnabas parishioners who had connections to Holy Trinity. Judy Dodwell found her grandparents' grave and her parents were married there. Cam Moore remembers sitting on the bar of his father’s bicycle on his way to Sunday school at Holy Trinity. Waveney told us an amusing story of a Curate mistakenly taking away the Bishop’s chair, and the Bishop ending up on the floor - the poor curate ended up being sent to the Chatham Islands! And of course a van outing wouldn't be complete without a visit to a café - Under the Red Verandah fitted the bill admirably!