Hero photograph
Photo by Mark Chamberlain

'Spud in a Bucket' weigh in tomorrow at 9am

Robyn Hocking —

Following the success of last year's competition, parishioners are even more committed to winning this year - but don't forget it's so our young people can get to camp!

Dear Potato Growers, how is your wee Rocket?! Hopefully well ‘embedded’ and growing with gusto!

Thank you, to you all, for purchasing a rocket potato and bucket, and participating in our SBYG Spud in a Bucket competition! Your support for our SBYG Summer Camp in January 2022 is greatly appreciated.

There are many variables when it comes to producing the best crop…..I trust that all is going well. Thank you to those who have sent me a photo of your rocket’s progress. Any photos are most welcome. Plenty of leafy green foliage, but the real ‘proof of the pudding’ will be revealed in just over four weeks’ time.

The big ‘Weigh In’ will be held in the church grounds, near The Hall, on Saturday 11 December - please remember to bring a sun hat! Come at 9am, sit back and relax with morning tea from our young peope, while we empty your bucket, weigh and record your Rocket’s productivity!! Once weighed you will be able to take your produce home to enjoy!

  • The main prize will be awarded to the gardener who grows the Heaviest Yield.
  • There will also be prizes for the runner up and second runner up Yield.
  • All children Year 6 and under will be eligible for a spot prize, drawn on the day.

If you would like your Spud in a Bucket collected on, or prior to, the day, please contact Robyn (027 319 8717 or robyn@stbarnabas.org.nz) and we will arrange transport.