Hero photograph
Photo by Jenny Wilkens

Al Ahli Anglican Hospital Gaza Emergency Appeal is live - UPDATE 9 Jan

Jenny Wilkens —

Now, more than ever, humanitarian aid and assistance is vital to put people first in this horrific conflict.

The Church is called to provide hope in times of darkness, to comfort those who mourn and to tend to those in need with loving service. Al Ahli Hospital, its dedicated staff, supported by the Anglican Church in Jerusalem, continue to do this.

Update 9 January: 

An IDF raid before Christmas left Al Ahli Hospital unable to function as a hospital. The extraordinary dedication and resilience of the staff at Al Ahli mean that it is once more able to admit some patients and perform a limited number of operations. However, the conditions they are working in remain dire and, as is the case with hospitals across Gaza, their ability to keep treating patients remains precarious. Lack of medical supplies, water, or electricity; IDF detainment of staff; or military activity could all prevent Al Ahli from receiving and treating patients once again.

What has been happening to Al Ahli, and hospitals across Gaza, is extremely concerning. Under the Geneva Convention and international humanitarian law, medical facilities and medical personnel should be protected.

Please Pray:

· Pray and call for a continuing truce, a lasting ceasefire, the unconditional release of those hostages still held by Hamas, and an end to this conflict.

· Pray for healing for Palestinians and Israelis impacted by the horrors and trauma since October 7th.

· Pray for a safe and prosperous tomorrow for Palestinians and Israelis, a future of equal rights for all and an end to the occupation.

· Pray for our hospital partners and their staff, that they would remain safe and know God’s love and protection at this time.

The Al Ahli Hospital appeal is active now, and Anglican Missions is continuing to work with the Anglican Alliance and other international Anglican agencies to provide humanitarian assistance as possible.

We echo the Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby’s words and call to prayer:

“… I mourn with our brothers and sisters – please pray for them. I renew my appeal for civilians to be protected in this devastating war. May the Lord God have mercy.” 

You can donate to this emergency appeal here.