Mark Chamberlain — Mar 30, 2021

The St Barnabas Fendalton Trust is receiving donations for the Hall Strengthening and Refurbishment Project - recent donations have been encouraging!

At the Parish AGM in March the decision was made to proceed with the $1,600,000 Hall strengthening and refurbishment project. The parish has $1,000,000 in funds to hand and so the target is $600,000. Parishioners have already responded with donations of $22,000 received shortly after the AGM. This a great start - thank you!

Philanthropic Trusts specialising in supporting heritage buildings will be approached - maintenance on the roof which is nearing the end of it economic life will cost in excess of $200,000 and it is hoped that heritage funders will help with this cost.

Donors who previously contributed to the Trust will again be approached and a team is being formed who will make contact with them. Trustees Steve Wakefield, Corinne Haines, Marcus Read and the Vicar are confident that the target will be met through the generosity of the many people and organisations who have supported St Barnabas in the past.

A 'Week of Giving' is being planned culminating on St Barnabas Day which is Sunday 13 June. It is hoped that all parishioners will pray about how they should respond and make a donation. In any fundraising campaign there will be smaller and larger amounts given and all are important. So all parishioners are encouraged to begin praying and planning now about how they should respond.

If you would like to make a donation now, please make an internet banking transfer into the account of the St Barnabas Fendalton Trust – 01 0819 0455281 00. Please include your name in the ‘Particulars’ section and ‘Donation’ in the reference. The Trust will safely retain your donation specifically for the upgrade of the Hall. If any funding is left over, it will be retained by the Trust, and used only for building maintenance. You will receive a receipt and a letter of thanks. For those who donate over a certain amount and who give their consent, their names will appear in the history of the parish, which will be published in the next few years.

To read the official letter to donors please click here.