Hero photograph
Photo by Mark Chamberlain

Invitation to Live a Generous Life

Nigel Yeoh —

Vestry member Nigel Yeoh writes about the principles of generosity and how our patron St Barnabas provides a model for us to follow.

It is better to give than to receive. How do we know this? Because Jesus said so himself! In Acts 20 verse 35, Paul says “remember the words the Lord Jesus himself said: more blessings come from giving than from receiving”. Receiving God’s blessing spiritually is not a passive experience, but something that we can actively enter into when we give. When we live a generous life, we are blessed and rewarded by God abundantly. When we give, our hearts and motives need to be in the right place. We should give unconditionally, for the right reasons and then God will bless us and reward us. In living a generous life, we should give without seeking anything in return.

Regardless of situation or circumstance, everyone has something to give. Some in our church today are students and are therefore most likely poor from a monetary point of view but potentially more rich with their time. A little bit of youthfulness and enthusiasm can go a long way when it comes to helping others, especially those in our wider community!

Many in our church are well-established in their professional lives and careers and thus are able to financially give more - but perhaps give relatively less of their time. I think it’s easy for us to tell ourselves that what we have to offer isn’t worth it or enough, and then we procrastinate or make more excuses that stop us from giving, or living generously. I do not think that God will ever ask of us what we cannot give or provide. We each have different extents to which we can give. It’s not how much we give to God that he is concerned about, but rather, how much we are holding back. God wants not what we have, but rather, our hearts. Don’t worry about what others have to give; give God your all, and give it with humility.

Many of you know that we are currently seeking donations for the repair and betterment of our church hall. Roughly $600,000 is required out of a total 1.6 million dollars to complete the project. The Hall is used by many in our wider community, and it is such an important resource and blessing to all who enter under its roof. Would you consider making a donation to this project, to help get us across the line? Whether it is ten dollars or ten thousand dollars, all donations matter and are valued. Now I’m not asking you to sell your land and give the proceeds to the church like Barnabas did – however if you wanted to I wouldn’t necessarily stop you..! But do you feel called to be generous with your money like Barnabas was?

May God bless us all as we strive to live “A Generous Life”, and like Barnabas, being good men and women, full of the Holy Spirit and faith. Amen.