Hero photograph
Photo by Andy Dickson

Explore - Being Human in Our Diversity - 21/5

Andy Dickson —

Come and join us, 7pm May 21, in the Hall, as special guest Manny Koks leads us through an exploration of what it means to be human and celebrate diversity, through his lived experienced as a person with a disability.

Manny is currently undertaking a PhD in the area of theology and disability, while also being a well loved adjunct lecturer for Laidlaw College. He presented a session at The Justice Conference: Global in 2021.

As a person with Cerabral Palsy, Manny offers a well thought through perspective on life and faith from a disability lens. He asks thoughtful and challenging questions about faith and belonging, and what it means to be the image of God.

Manny will share some thoughts with us before opening up for discussion/questions.

All are welcome.