Hero photograph
Photo by Mark Chamberlain

Getting ready for the big day?

Mark Chamberlain —

The purpose of Advent is to focus our minds and hearts and to get ready for the coming of Christ at Christmas.

As most will know by now, I will be starting a new role on the 1st of February next year as the Archdeacon for Regeneration and Mission in the Diocese. In readiness for shifting out of the Vicarage in January, Pip and I have been giving some of our furniture and other possessions away and putting other items on Trademe. We will also begin cleaning the Vicarage and putting things in order.

I’ve heard of some people who don’t make any preparations at all prior to shifting house. They simply walk out on the final day and expect the shifters to do all the hard work! They don’t seem to realise that shifting house is a great opportunity to downsize and rationalise our possessions. But this can only happen if we keep the last day of our occupation in mind. We must prepare for the end.

We have now entered the season of Advent which is the four week period leading up to Christmas. Advent is also a time of preparation as we look forward to celebrating the coming of Christ into the world. Will we be like the shepherds and wise men who made their very best effort to prepare for and attend to the new-born saviour of the world? Or will we succumb to the pervading influence of consumerism in our society which has the effect of taking our eyes away from the incarnation – the coming of God into human history as the baby Jesus?

Like shifting house, there are many who make no preparations and will be caught out come the final day.

I trust that this Advent your eyes are focused in two directions; celebrating the birth of Christ 2,000 years ago but also getting ready to welcome Christ when he comes again. So join me in using Advent as a time of anticipation and preparation. Let’s get ready for Jesus!

May God bless you all in this Advent and Christmas season.