Tania Wright — May 30, 2022

Helen Wakefield has been sharing the gospel and loving children and their parents for more than a decade in her volunteer roles with Launchpad (formerly Bible in Schools) and the St Barnabas Playgroup.

In 2006, she was asked by Jenny Wilkens whether she would take on the Bible in Schools role after Fendalton School was considering whether they would stop running the programme.

“To be honest I didn’t want to take on Bible in Schools and thought it would be too hard. But that’s the thing about following in the path that God has created for you – or wants you to do. Sometimes you have to step out of the boat and when you do, He will provide everything that you need – just for that time.”

It’s this calling by God into this ministry that has kept her in the role for the past 16 years.

“When I was diagnosed with cancer back in 2009 and was not sure what the future held for me, it became clear that God was in control and has continued to guide me on the path to stay in this role, including picking up several other schools”

One of her most memorable moments was sharing the Easter story with some students at Isleworth School using Easter eggs each with different objects related to the story inside.

“One of the boys put up his hand and told me that I had just made the Bible come alive for him. I was so touched that God had spoken to me through that boy and it was just the encouragement I needed to continue going along to Isleworth School.”

Alongside this, Helen has also been serving through the St Barnabas Playgroup with Angela Brown for the past 11 years.

Making a difference in the lives of the children and their parents is one of the most satisfying parts of being involved.

“Seeing the joy on the faces of the children at Playgroup and talking to the parents and caregivers, to support them – especially on those days when they’ve had very little sleep and just need to be nurtured themselves.”

“Watching the children grow and learn and develop, and that they know God’s love for them, that’s what makes it worth it.”