Quiz Night Fundraiser Amazing Success
Two weekends ago the young people of the parish with the guidance of Youth Worker Robyn Hocking ran a successful Quiz Night raising valuable funds for Easter Camp.
The atmosphere was amazing as you entered the hall. Most of the quizzers were dress in green to celebrate St Patrick's Day (2 days before) with about six members per team. Including helpers there were about 100 people in the hall.
Quiz Master Nigel Yeoh kept the evening moving with humour and a light touch. In between rounds there were the usual raffles and novelty activities. The questions set by Jo Cotton were fair and certainly had the effect of separating the more able teams.
It was wonderful witnessing such a positive community activity. Almost $1,200 was raised so that our young people could go to Easter Camp. Well done team - you go with our blessing and our prayers - have an awesome time!