Hero photograph
Photo by Mr. Mark Ealey

Two IRP students stay on for a full year

Mr Mark Ealey —

Hitomi Oka (IRP +Marian College and Masa Atsumi IRP + St. Bede's College)

Hitomi Oka from Doshisha GHS in Kyoto and Masa Atsumi from Keio HS in Kanagawa made the bold decision to complete the International Rugby Programme (IRP) and then remain as mainstream international students for another six months, so staying for a full year in total. Both Hitomi and Masa knew, and were wisely advised by those around them, that the value of the full year experience at age seventeen far outweighed any perceived downside of graduating a year after their peers. Here, they explain their thoughts about their motivation and their experience at St. Bede’s College and Marian College.


Hitomi Oka

I spent five and a half months in the St. Bede’s IRP, learning about rugby, different cultures and English. The system at my Japanese school meant that if I was absent for that amount of time I’d have to repeat that academic year back home, so it was a big decision to come. I did a lot of thinking about it and eventually decided that I’d add on another experience after the IRP, thinking that spending twelve months overseas during my teenage years would be a major plus in terms of my development as a young person. So I decided to take a full year off, knowing that I’d graduate from high school one year after my peers back in Japan.

After coming in March, I spent 22 weeks in the IRP and the following six months at Marian College, St. Bede’s College’s sister school. In the IRP, which was an incredible experience, through contact with players from overseas, and of course from New Zealand, I learned a huge amount about other countries, about rugby, about English and about myself. I know I grew a huge amount as a person thanks to being part of the IRP.

In New Zealand enjoyment is a really important part of rugby. On top of sensing my improvement through the practices and games that we have every week, the regular after-match functions provided me with an opportunity to interact socially with all sorts of interesting people. In the course of this past season I have come to understand that the enjoyment rugby offers is much more than just the good feeling we get after winning and, as a result, I now think that I would like to be involved with rugby in some way for the rest of my life.

At Marian College, where I am studying now, I am leading a normal student life, basically the same as the local girls. Marian has about 400 students, making it a relatively small school, with no obvious age-based hierarchy. This means that most students seem to know each other, and try to help each other, making it an easy environment in which to make friends. The facilities are more than sufficient for the size of the school, and the friendly, helpful approach of the teaching staff makes it easy to enjoy school life to the full. There is also plenty to do after the day’s classes are over. In New Zealand, sports are divided into those played in winter and summer, which has allowed me to get involved in extra-curricular activities that I otherwise would not have done back in Japan. I practise singing with the school chorus group and will do dragon boating in summer. On the rugby front, in winter I played 15-a-side and in spring/summer I’m now playing 7-a-side and touch rugby, so in addition to my singing, I’m still involved in rugby in one form or another right through my stay. All of this has helped me to create friends outside of my own year-group - genuine friends with whom I really want to stay in touch with long-term. I have no doubt whatsoever that my decision to take a full year off school in Japan and come to St. Bede’s and Marian College was the correct one. My time here to date has been full of experiences that I will treasure for the rest of my life. I recommend a full-year experience in Christchurch to any rugby player who is considering studying abroad in New Zealand.



Masa Atsumi

I took part in the International Rugby Programme for five and a half months at St. Bede’s College in order to improve my rugby and English skills and have stayed on beyond that at St. Bede’s as a regular international student to experience mainstream classes in English. Two years ago I came into the IRP for a one-month experience, which made me think that I would like to come back for the full-programme. I am grateful to my parents, my teachers and friends for the support and encouragement they gave me to take part in this Programme.

In the IRP there are not only Japanese students, but young people from South America and Europe, so we are exposed to other languages such as Spanish and Italian. Interacting with young players from all over the world is a lot of fun, not only helping to improve our English skills, but also bringing us into contact with a range of cultures, which helps us grow as people.

I played in the St. Bede’s 2nd XV this season. At first I was a little nervous and struggled a little to communicate well with my team mates, but the local boys were very welcoming and looked after us foreign players, so it soon became a comfortable team environment in which to play rugby. I think I managed to improve my lineout throwing and my use of footwork before contact, so I hope that I was able to contribute to the team through my play.

After the IRP ended I switched over to mainstream classes delivered in English. The first month was tough keeping up with the speed of what the teacher or students said, but I made a point of asking for clarification when I didn’t understand. The teachers and my classmates were all very kind in explaining things to me, so after a while I was actually able start learning content through these classes.

With the end of the IRP, my 15-a-side rugby season finished, but at about the same time touch rugby and 7-a-side rugby started, which has made it possible for me to continue to hone my rugby skills right through my stay. The 7s has involved three or four weeks of practices and games on a Friday afternoon. Playing 7s has helped me to further improve my fitness and my ability to see space.

The thing that has struck me most about playing rugby in New Zealand is that players seems to be enjoying their involvement. In Japan it is not unusual to see players who clearly aren’t really enjoying their rugby, but I’ve never sensed that here. Everyone seems to be genuinely having a lot of fun. I even remember a player running with the ball at full speed with a big smile on his face. Needless to say this surprised me! As a result, I have played this season trying to enjoy every aspect of my rugby.

During my stay at St. Bede’s I have not only learned English and rugby skills, but I think I’ve become a more rounded person. I’ve become able to think for myself and act appropriately. I have grown in ways that people won’t immediately recognize by looking at me. The time I have spent here has been a once-in-lifetime, important and intense experience. After I return to Japan, I intend to share what I have learned here with those around me, and by doing so, hopefully contribute to their success.

僕は半年間ラグビー、英語力向上のためにIRPに参加しその後St Bede’s Collegeに残り英語での授業を受けています。僕は2年前にも1ヶ月ほどIRPを経験しており、その時からIRPにまたいつか参加したいと感じていました。そして今回僕は両親や先生方、友人などにも相談しみんなからのサポートがありこの留学プログラムへの参加が実現しました。IRPには日本人だけでなく南米やヨーロッパなど様々な国から集まってくるので英語だけでなくスペイン語やイタリア語なども耳にすることができます。また彼らとコミュニケーションをとるのはとても楽しく、英語力の向上だけでなく異文化にも触れることができ、人としての成長もすることができました。


IRPが終わり、僕は現地の授業へ参加し英語での授業を受けました。現地の授業は話すスピードも速く、聞き取りにくい場面が最初の1ヶ月ほどはありましたがその度に友人や先生に質問をしました。彼らは何一つ嫌な顔せずに快く答えてくれたのでとても安心して学習することができました。IRPが終わると同時に15人制ラグビーは終わってしまいますがそれとほぼ同時にタッチラグビー、7人制ラグビーが始まるので一年を通してラグビーをすることができます。僕は7人制ラグビーに参加し3、4週間の練習、毎週金曜にある試合に参加しました。7人制は15人制とは違い、展開がはやいので体力をさらにつけることができ、またスペースを見つけるための視野を広げることができました。 僕がニュージーランドでラグビーをし1番感激したことは全員がラグビーを楽しんでいることです。日本のラグビーでは時々楽しんでラグビーをしていない人を見かけることがありますがニュージーランドではそれが一切なくラグビーを心の底から楽しんでいると思いました。印象に残っているのはある選手が試合中にボールを持ち笑いながら全力で走っているのを見ました。僕はそれを見た時にとても驚きました。僕もそんな選手になりたいと思い今シーズンを過ごしました。僕がセント・ビーヅで学んだことは英語、ラグビーのスキルだけではなく人間力、また自分で考え行動する力など外見だけではなく内面もとても成長しました。この経験は一生に一度しかなくとても大切な濃い経験になりました。日本に帰ったら僕が学んだことをアウトプットし、みんなに共有し、周りのみんなを引っ張って行きたいです。  
