Term 2 School Fees

Steve Kelsen —

With the start of Term 2, the second termly instalment of school fees have now been loaded onto student accounts.

Thanks to all those parents who have paid their Term 1 fees in full. St Bede’s relies on your contributions to help fund our academic programme, our chaplaincy and special character program, our wellbeing program, and many of our facilities.

Outstanding Term 1 fees are now overdue. If you haven’t already paid for Term 1, we would be grateful if you would pay them as soon as possible.

If you have any questions about your son’s fees, or would like to discuss payment, please contact Angie in the school office schoolfees@stbedes.school.nz  And if you are having difficulty in paying, we may be able to provide financial assistance. To learn more you can contact Rachel Pitcaithly, the head of our Ministry team, in confidence rpitcaithly@stbedes.school.nz