Hero photograph
Photo by Ms Parder

University Visits and Course Planning

Ms Parder —

The University of Otago and Ara Broadcasting school will be visiting next week.  Information  in the article also includes Halls of Residence applications, Connection Collective for Years 11-13 and Ara 'Taster' sessions for Years 9-11. 

Thank you to all of the families who attended the curriculum and careers evening, we were thrilled with the turnout.

Next week we begin our run of visiting tertiary providers.  Several providers will be coming in to share course information, course planning advice and give halls of residence application assistance. In addition, there are open days and 'taster' sessions available for students. Your son is encouraged to attend these to make the transition and planning of his further education manageable. Please remind him to check the daily notices for time and date reminders.

Year 13 halls of residence applications

It is also the time for Year 13 students to make some decisions with regard to further study. If they have already made a decision and are intending on studying and living on campus they need to start their halls of residence application process now. The first step is for them to go to the website of the university and fill in the initial application form and check the closing dates. The university will then contact the school and we will contribute confidential references. Several providers have a first in first served policy so it's important that students get onto this now!

It has been great to be able to have conversations with boys regarding future study and careers choices. If they would like to have a meeting with me they will need to make an appointment. I can be found in either the Careers office or in the English office. 

Halls of residence application links:






In school information sessions:

Monday 8th August 9:30am - University of Otago will be here to discuss course planning and halls applications.  

Monday 8th August 1pm - Jordan from Ara is here to discuss the Broadcasting Industry and the New Zealand Broadcasting School.

Years 11-13

The Connection Collective

The Connection Collective have their third inaugural Connection Collective event being held on Tuesday 9th August. This is targeted at students in Years 11-13. The Connection Collective is an opportunity for Christchurch students to hear from young professionals about their experience and career decisions that they have made.

Details of the event are:

· 5:15pm - 6:30pm

· Tuesday, 9th August

· Ngaio Marsh Theatre, St Margaret's College, 12 Winchester St, Christchurch

· FREE to attend

· Five speakers: including an engineer, lawyer, accountant, entrepreneur and art gallery owner, with the opportunity to ask questions and have a discussion afterward. It is intended that this is a fun and inspirational experience for students.


Years 9-11

ARA 'Taster' session - These are aimed at students Years 9-11 in order to support students to make more informed subject choices.

The taster programme will be run over two different dates depending on the taster selected.

· Wednesday 10th and Thursday 11th August

· Wednesday 31st August and Thursday 1st September

Please see Ms Parder if you are interested in this event.