Hero photograph
Teaching and Learning
Photo by Tania Templeton

Teaching and Learning

Mr Jon McDowall —

Student Records, Subject Choices and Senior Conference Day.

Student Record Sheets

Prior to Monday you will receive the monthly Student Record Sheet via email and in the Parent Portal on Kamar. Student Record Sheets provide students and parents with up to date information regarding their academic progress. Please take the time read these and discuss your son's progress with him.

2019 Subject Choices

Next week students and whanau will receive the online Curriculum Handbook for 2019 and their subject selection sheets. We recommend you view these and then attend the Careers and Subject Choice evening on Wednesday to continue discussions with specialist teachers and providers. Subject selections are due on Friday 31 August.

Senior Conference Day

Senior Conference Day is scheduled for Friday 31 August from 8:30am to 4:00pm in the College Gymnasium. Early next week bookings will open via the School Interviews Website. You will receive an email and booking instructions when the site is open. Senior Conference Day is also the last day for the 2019 Subject Choice Selection Forms to be handed in (current Year 9-12 students).

It is the College's expectation that all boys attend Conference Day. We appreciate that some parents and/or whanau may not be able to attend, however, we still expect students to book and attend learning conferences with their teachers as it is a school day for senior students. There will be no classes for Year 9 and 10 students on the Friday.