Hero photograph
Teaching and Learning
Photo by Tania Templeton

Teaching and Learning

Mr Jon McDowall —

Year 13 Students

Year 13 five subject students

Year 13 students who have a daily study as a result of taking 5 subjects need to follow the expectations below:

  • If a student has study period 1, they are not required to come to school until period 2
  • If a student has study period 6, they are able to leave school after period 5
  • If a student has a study periods 2,3,4 or 5 they are required to sign in with Mrs Davidson in the pastoral office at the beginning of each period. Students will have the option of going to a designated classroom, the library or completing personal projects with teachers with their approval.

House tutors are monitoring absences including students who do not sign in each period at the pastoral office. Students who cannot meet our expectations will meet with the Deputy Rector – Teaching and Learning to revise their course.