Hero photograph
Egg-cited: Trent Youngman with his haul from the Easter egg hunt.
Photo by Kurt Paterson

Life as a boarder

Kurt Paterson —

Term One ended on a high in the boarding house with one of our infamous tribe nights.

The boys mingled among the different year groups at dinner before participating in a quiz in teams of mixed ages, representing their tribes. 

The quiz consisted of a variety of rounds including sport, history, Disney princesses and staff trivia. Congratulations to Donohue – our winning tribe. This was an incredibly entertaining event which the boys thoroughly enjoyed.

The fun continued later in the week with our annual easter egg hunt. Hundreds of easter eggs were hidden all over the boarding grounds and the boys were let loose to collect as many as they could. Despite the sugar rush flooding through the boarding house for the rest of the evening, this event was a lot of fun for both the staff and the boys and made for an excellent finish to a wonderful term.

We also celebrated Easter with our first family mass service of the year. It was wonderful to have so many of our boarding families join us for this. A special thank you to all of the boys who participated and helped to make this mass such a special occasion.

After such a successful end to Term One, we have hit the ground running for Term Two and are looking forward to many more exciting events in the upcoming weeks.