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Student Voice

Simon Curnow —

Kia ora, it’s been a busy month since the last newsletter came out. In the last two weeks alone there has been a huge amount going on around the college. This week we’ve had Father Mark Walls and the Young Marist team come in to talk to each year level about St Bede’s. The juniors learned about who Bede was, who we are, and what we stand for, as well as more about the significance of our buildings and the grounds in general. The seniors gained a deeper understanding of how we can make a difference in the school and the Marist idea of leading from within in our rōpū groups.

Multiple boys attended Marian College’s fia fia night on Tuesday and are looking forward to our own tonight. These events showcase the amazing talent of students at both schools through Pasifika cultural dance and singing.

Service day went down well as boys from all year groups volunteered throughout Christchurch. I’ve been told about boys volunteering at the SPCA, their old primary schools, and the boarders doing a beach clean up. These days have now become a regular occurrence each term at St Bede’s reinforcing our motto of Fide Et Opere - by faith and works.

On 21 Feburary, Villa Maria hosted the first combined schools mass for the year for all new students attending any of the five Catholic high schools in Christchurch. A few days later, we had the first boarders' mass for all boarders and their families. Both masses are really special for our St Bede’s and wider community to come together to celebrate Eucharist.

The 105th annual athletics day was another highlight of the busy school term with nearly all students participating in at least one event or helping out with recording times or other jobs to help the day run smoothly.

As we prepare for the Easter holidays, we remember it is a time to prepare for the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. It is a good time for us to focus on prayer, almsgiving and fasting as we reset ourselves for the Easter period.