SBC Pastoral Office — Feb 22, 2018

The following message contains essential information for any parent of a student who drives to school.

Dear Parents and Guardians

St Bede’s College Vehicle Policy 2018

Annual Contact and Conditions for students and parents/guardians
St Bede’s College is very concerned for the welfare of its students and community. This includes student drivers, passengers and pedestrians. Accordingly, we require agreement to the following contract before granting a student permission to drive to school.

The School reserves the right to impose a temporary or long-term ban on driving to school if the prescribed conditions are not met. Parent support in such action is expected.

Overseas fee-paying students must see Mr Tappenden regarding the ownership and driving of a vehicle.

In cases where there are complaints of dangerous driving or driving beyond license conditions then parents will be informed and the matter is likely to be referred to the police.

Conditions of Contract

Please see vehicle policy attached below.