Weekly Notes

Jon McDowall —

Congratulations to the following students for achieving top Weekly Notes last week.

This is a great result and a reflection of the effort and application they are applying in all of their classes. I would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge this accomplishment.

Remember at the end of each Term boys who average over 3.4 qualify for termly honours, and at the end of the year the top student at each level will be the recipient of a scholarship awarded at prizegiving. Something to keep in mind and to strive towards.

Weekly Notes are sent out to all Caregivers on Friday afternoons, from today, we will also be sending these to the Students on a weekly basis.

Once again well done, keep up the good work.

Jon McDowall

Deputy Rector – Teaching & Learning

Year 9

Bruno Dooley

Year 10

Callum Creagh

Logan Hammond

Nasili Latu

Thomas Richards

Liam Speechlay

Year 11

Jett Anglem

Xavier Bell

Michael Blunt

Franz Bongalon

Nazarine Flores

Ollie Floris

Peter Gamble

Connor Grey

Tyler Kim

Caleb Lee

HyunJin Lee

Jesse Leen

Stefan Marasinghe Arachchige Don

Quinn Miller

Jayden Ralston

Harry Read

William Thwaites

Adam Walker

Ryan Wilson

Year 12

Nicholas Brady

Thomas Brosnahan

Gregor Creagh

Jack Haines

Gabriel Kiernan

Louie Mendoza

Max Norton

Ben O'Kane

Cameron Rawlings

Ollie Ryde

Calad Twohig

Year 13

Byron Geer

Philip Hayes

Daniel Jones

Louis Kirby

Steven Little

Renuja Perera

Hunter Righton

Aaron Sevilla

Benjamin Skinner

Ethan Smolej

James Walsh