St Bede's College — Dec 6, 2019

To make going back to school easy for you, we have teamed up with OfficeMax MySchool to have our stationery lists loaded on to

We’ve found this is the easiest way for you to purchase your child’s requirements. Simply search for our school, select your child's class/subject lists and follow the instructions on the website.

Buying through OfficeMax MySchool also earns rewards for our school which we can redeem for much needed educational supplies.

OfficeMax MySchool make back to school easy for you with:

Please Note: There are some subject workbooks that can only be purchased from OfficeMax. These are clearly marked on the Stationery Lists.

The Stationery Lists are attached below for each year group.

If you have any questions about OfficeMax MySchool please feel free to contact us.