Mr Justin Boyle — Jul 2, 2020

Greetings from St Bede’s.

With some relief but also with a degree of satisfaction we come to the end of this long term. Satisfaction that nearly all of our students are now up to speed after the lockdown period, and we believe the seniors particularly, will not be disadvantaged in preparation to gain their NCEA later in the year. The two days set aside for conferences at the beginning of next term will provide a good opportunity for the boys and their parents to assess each boy's progress before we begin the final two terms.

We have been conscious also to wrap as much support round our year 13s and have received good feedback about the careers and pathways initiatives instituted this term. The year 13s leadership of the College in these unique times deserves special mention. A programme driven by some of the year 13s called “yarnologist”, has been particularly successful. A small number of year 13s who have been trained by the guidance counsellors have ‘adopted' some juniors who, for whatever reason, would appreciate a 'yarn’ with a senior boy. Sometimes, as we are seeing, that may be more effective than speaking with a staff member!!

We dubbed this week , “Kindness Week” and was led by one of our staff, Miss Robyn Warburton, who has a responsibility round the wellbeing programme. We staged a number of activities for the staff and the students which included a staff vs students hockey game on Monday, students vs teachers quiz on Tuesday, activity day for Wednesday and today, as the sun finally came out, the food trucks rolled up just in time for lunch.  All these events kept up flagging spirits and was much appreciated by the community.

Kindness Week - T2 2020 — Image by: SBC
Kindness Week - Term 2 2020 — Image by: SBC
Kindness Week - Term 2 2020 — Image by: SBC

During the week the PTA held their AGM, which usually is held in March or April. This hard working group raised in the vicinity of $30,000 dollars last year. $10k of that was originally ear-marked to make a contribution to help renovate the squash courts. The College has requested that in light of the growing number in our community that have been financially disadvantaged post lockdown, that these funds be allocated towards the newly established Bedean Community Fund, which has been established to support families who need financial assistance. Already we have been able to support a number to the tune of $10,000 dollars.

We thank the PTA for their support of the College. I often state that our community is blessed with generous people who offer their talents, skills and time. We hope all families have the opportunity to have some down time in the school holidays. I look forward to seeing as many of you as possible on the conference days that will begin the next term.

Until next term,

J. G. Boyle