Hero photograph
Castanea sativa

Grow the Future

Steph Gray —

Currently, the Year nines are learning about flower anatomy, pollination, and seed germination, They are investigating the importance of plants for our environment, the relationships plants have with pollinating insects, especially bees, and how plants fit into our food chain and the important part they play in our economy.

Our campus gardens are in full bloom at the moment and it was a delight to be able to pick a wide selection of flowering exotic or native plants for our boys to look at in class.  

Over the next week or so, your Year 9 son might come home with a Little Garden seed kit that has been kindly donated by our friends at New World Ilam. New World Ilam was very generous with their Little Garden kits so those that do not find a home with your son will be planted in the Science Department’s raised garden beds behind Marion. We do not know what we will get, it’s a surprise!