Teaching and Learning
Subject Choices 2020, Senior Conference Day and Junior Curriculum Evaluation
Subject Choice 2020
A reminder that boys in Years' 9-12 need to submit subject choices for 2020 prior to Friday 30 August using the Kamar Portal. Students will have received instructions and individual logins to complete this process.
If they have misplaced this form please see Mr McDowall or Mrs Rusbridge to get a new copy.
Senior Conference Day
The final Senior Conference Day is scheduled for Friday 30 August. Parents will have received booking information this week via email.
Booking details are also located below.
It is a school day, therefore all students Years 11-13 are expected to make appointments to see their subject teachers. These conferences are deliberately timed to provide parents and students with feedback regarding internal exam results as well as providing one last opportunity for students and whanau to speak with subject teachers before submitting subject choice information for 2020.
Code 5343g
This is a school day, so all boys are required to wear uniform.
Junior Curriculum Evaluation
As you may be aware, the College is undertaking a review of the Junior Curriculum.
We have plenty of rich information to date through school data, student, staff and whanau surveys. We are now looking for parents who would be interested in joining a focus group (approximately 30 in total). This group would meet with Mr McDowall (Deputy Rector - Teaching and Learning) to discuss our initial findings and explore some areas in further detail.
We plan for the group to meet on Thursday 29 August at 6:30pm in the staffroom.
If you are interested in this please email Mr McDowall on jmcdowall@stbedes.school.nz.